Service Fundraiser
Monday, April 4 Program at 11 am, Zoom Opens 10:30 am Susan Waterfield
Susan Waterfield, the Chair of the LUMENUS Board of Directors, will be our guest speaker. LUMENUS a charitable organization dedicated to helping children, young adults, and their families as they struggle with complex mental health and developmental needs in the greater Toronto area. Susan Waterfield brings to that position her expertise from public and private organizations in the energy, insurance, and financial sectors. As a volunteer she has chaired the Board of Skylark, and Oolagen Youth Mental Health. In April 2020 LUMENUS joined four agencies together to provide seamless service to their clients. A short video will be shown, and questions will be taken from members and guests.
The minimum contribution to register is $20 per person, but you are welcome to contribute more than that amount. Once we receive your payment, you will receive the link to the meeting. All funds collected will go to LUMENUS.
The minimum contribution to register is $20 per person, but you are welcome to contribute more than that amount. Once we receive your payment, you will receive the link to the meeting. All funds collected will go to LUMENUS.