Artful Dodgers Enjoy the full spectrum of the arts scene in the Greater Toronto Area. We have been behind the scenes at the ROM, AGO, and the Design Exchange, tours of private collections, and Hands-on mono-print-making with Japanese papers, theater and musical excursions. We have seen great works of art and enjoyed exquisite Mennonite quilts and antique textiles and artifacts. We do it all and then we enjoy lunch.
Bunco Come out and join us for a unique dice game where even if you are the loser you win a prize. It is a time of laughter, fun and lunch with friends.
Casual Connections One-time get-togethers organized by any member through the Interest Group Chair.
Book Groups There are two AWCT book groups – Uptown-North and Downtown – location is up to a member’s convenience.
Downtown Book Group The Downtown Book Group meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at a member's home for interesting discussions of books we have selected for the year at our December potluck. Brown bag lunch follows all other meetings. New members are always welcome.
Uptown — North Book Group The Uptown North Book Group meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month for lively discussions on all genres of books, lunch and casual conversation. We welcome all book lovers.
Downtown Coffee An informal social gathering meets currently at Nespresso in Yorkville to shoot the breeze and get acquainted with each other. The group meets once a month on a Friday morning.
Evenings Out Once a month, AWCT members meet for casual gathering at a Toronto bar for drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and convivial conversation. It is open to all members, but we're especially trying to connect with members who, for a variety of reasons, cannot make the AWCT daytime meetings.
Knitting Whether you want to learn how to knit, strengthen your skills, or just enjoy your knitting passion, we are for you. Along the way you’ll have a great time socializing and making new friends.
Movies Join us on the first Tuesday of each month at SilverCity in Richmond Hill for an early movie, followed by interesting and provocative discussions at dinner.
Reading Lite Amonthly, virtual, evening book club. Active members and non-residents are welcome to join in. Attendees will introduce a book that they have read, and then give a synopsis. This will give the participants an opportunity to learn about new books and offer their own insight the following meeting. This will be like a “book swap” virtually. Books can be either fiction or non-fiction. There are so many fantastic reads out there and it’s great way to discover new books!
New Interest Groups Ideas? Interest Group Chair Kate Hammond ([email protected])